Anime Main Character Like Kaze No Stigma

Anime Main Character Like Kaze No Stigma

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A character sheet for the manga/anime Kaze no Stigma .

Main Characters

Kazuma Yagami

A onetime fellow member of the Kannagi household and the main male protagonist of the serial. He was banished from the family by his begetter and changed his name to Kazuma Yagami later on beingness defeated past Ayano during the successor ceremony for "Enraiha", his family's sacred sword, due to his disability to use Enjutsu. Four years subsequently, he returns to Nihon as a skilled master of Fūjutsu (Current of air Magic).

  • Anti-Hero: Blazon 4 in the novels, Type Iii in the anime.
  • Badass: The biggest of the series by far.
    • Badass Normal: Before he got his powers.
    • Heartbroken Badass
    • Underestimating Badassery: When he meets his father for the commencement time in four years, Genma is thoroughly convinced that he couldn't go so strong past studying Wind Magic (which the Kannagis view as a 'bottom fine art'), right before Kazuma proves him wrong on epic proportions.


Kazuma: How about that, former man?! This then-called weakling only kicked your ass.



Shinji: Who gave you permission to come up back to Japan?
Kazuma: No-i. I was never kicked out of the country, genius. Not that information technology'due south your business.
Sakamoto: And then, Shinji, you know Mr. Yagami, and then?
Shinji: Yes, merely "Yagami"'s not his real name. This is Kazuma Kannagi, the black sheep and disgrace of the Kannagi family.
Kazuma: I missed you too. Thank you, cousin.



Ayano: Are you saying that y'all've never been to an entertainment park before?
Kazuma: Yeah. It'due south my first time.
Ayano: What? You never went with your friends when you were a kid?
Kazuma: No. That would crave having friends.


  • The Gadfly: Loves causing Ayano trouble.
  • Genius Bruiser: Has high intelligence to go with his virtually god-like powers.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: When he reaches his total power, his eyes become "blue as the azure sky".
  • Heroes Want Redheads: Ends up falling for Ayano.
  • Hey, You: Justified. He calls Genma "One-time Man" because, due to the fact that Genma's disowned him, he doesn't consider calling him "Father" appropriate. Genma, for his part, doesn't care, maxim that Kazuma can call him whatever he likes.
  • Hypocritical Heartwarming: He constantly teases Ayano for his own entertainment, but if he sees anyone else do the same thing, you lot can bet all of your money he'll make them regret it.
  • Intimate Healing: Early on on, he gives Ayano medicine via a kiss.
  • Invincible Hero: Downplayed. He is by far the about powerful graphic symbol in the series, and very few people tin pose a threat to him. Withal, he frequently needs Ayano's help to deal with the villain of an arc, and states that while he may be a Contractor, that doesn't make him invincible.
  • It'south All My Fault: Blames himself for enkindling to his power after Tsui-Ling'southward expiry rather than before it, to the point that he fifty-fifty considers letting Lapis kill him. Ayano calls him out for this, as she believes his death won't solve anything.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: He has loads.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Aureate: He's brutally honest, frequently charges money before he lifts a finger to help and always has a snarky comment ready at the expense of, well, pretty much anybody, but underneath information technology all there's a good guy who cares nearly those shut to him, mainly his younger brother Ren and his new love Ayano.
  • Kids Are Roughshod: He was regularly beaten up as a kid due to his lack of fire magic.
  • Kissing Cousins: Him and Ayano are second cousins.
  • Love Makes You Crazy And Evil: In the last arc of the anime. He gets better.
  • Love Triangle: Him, Ayano, and Katherine
  • Manipulative Bastard: Especially in regard to Ayano.
  • Mind Probe: Used by his evil side.
  • Mistaken for Murderer: He'southward lured back to Japan to set one of these upwardly. A powerful Wind Mage is killing Kannagis, and he'southward a powerful Wind Mage with a motive to do merely that.
  • My Greatest Failure: Being unable to stop Tsui-Ling's sacrifice.
  • Nerves of Steel: The number of times he's panicked can exist counted on one paw.
  • Squeamish Job Breaking It, Hero: A more literal case than well-nigh examples; Kazuma blows a hole in the roof of the demon of Mt. Fuji's tomb in the procedure of saving Mayumi, breaking the seal that kept the brute asleep. Fabricated even worse when yous consider that if he hadn't done that, Ayumi wouldn't accept had to sacrifice herself.
  • Not So Different: The reason Kazuma shows sympathy for the Fugas; he was looked down upon for not using fire magic every bit well.
  • But In It For the Money: Played with. He charges the Kannagis money partially so he can brand a living, and partially so he tin can act like he doesn't care nearly helping them when he actually does.
  • Parental Abandonment: A subversion. He was disinherited and cast abroad by his parents, but that was to make him able pave a fashion for himself and succeed at life. Had he stayed a Kunnagi, he wouldn't have been in a very good position at all.
  • Pet the Dog: He visits his begetter at the hospital and tells him to take care of himself.
  • Personality Powers: His usage of the air current is a reflection of his cool-headed and rational personality.
  • Red Eyes, Have Warning: When he turns evil.
  • Red Oni, Bluish Oni: Bluish to Ayano's Red.
  • Shoot the Domestic dog: More and so in the novels of course, but it notwithstanding stands.
  • Smug Super: Downplayed, surprisingly. While he takes great amusement in the irony that the once powerless boy is now possibly stronger than the entire Kannagi family combined, he nonetheless knows his limits and is more than willing to ask others for help when he needs it, as well as acknowledging that beingness a Contractor doesn't make him invincible.
  • The Spock: The almost stoic and level-headed of the main characters. Particularly noticeable in the Hot Springs Episode when Kirika jokes that she and Genma are on a 'romantic getaway' and Ayano and Ren freak out. What's Kazuma's response?

Ayano Kannagi

The successor to the Kannagi family's head and the main female person protagonist of the serial. She wields Enraiha, the Kannagi'south sacred sword, which she won by defeating Kazuma at the successor anniversary four years before the start of the story.

  • Activity Girl: She'due south nowhere almost as Kazuma (and then again, who is?) simply she can still hands hold her ain in a fight
  • Appreciating Nickname: Depending on your point of view, Kazuma'southward nickname for her ('Princess') can be seen equally this.
  • Ancestral Weapon: Enraiha has been passed downward to members of the Kannagis' for generations.
  • Animal Motifs: Downplayed. In the Japanese version, Kazuma compares Ayano to a boar, since she often charges blindly into things and doesn't know how to alter her direction i.e. she has a one-track mind.
  • Big-headed Kung Fu Daughter
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: Sums up her fighting mode perfectly.
  • Badass Adorable
  • Battle Couple: With Kazuma. The 2 are often paired up for missions.
  • Argumentative Sexual Tension: Once again, with Kazuma.
  • Barrel Monkey
  • Brutal Honesty: Nowhere near Kazuma'due south level, but however has her moments, such as when, later on Ayumi is taken away by the Tsuwabukis and Ren's in the middle of a Heroic BSOD, she bluntly tells him that he abandoned her and that sitting around feeling lamentable for himself won't solve anything.
  • Cannot Spit Information technology Out: She is a Tsundere, afterwards all.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Ayano claims she doesn't like Kazuma, simply she sure seems a bit too interested anytime he'southward hanging out with another woman.
  • Habiliment Harm: Twice: In the fight with the first Big Bad, and again in the first fight confronting Katherine.
  • Cry Cute: Played for Laughs in episode 8 when she has a bucket dropped on her head.
  • Curtains Match the Window
  • Cute Little Fangs
  • Dumbass Has a Point: After Catherine explains her magic, Ayano suspects that the reason the McDonalds rely on spirits is considering they tin can't exercise anything by themselves. Ultimately, she turns out to be right when Catherine proves to be helpless without her spirits, allowing Ayano to defeat her easily.
  • Everyone Tin can See It: Except herself, of form.
  • Expy: Of Shana, though in a different way than most examples.
  • Peppery Redhead: Literally.
  • Flaming Sword: Enraiha.
  • Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Does this to Ren in episode 11, followed by the Savage Honesty mentioned higher up.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: More than like Explosive Temper. Kazuma claims that she was born angry.
  • Hellish Pupils
  • Heroic BSOD: In the novels, after her friends shrink back from her in terror when she starting time demonstrates her power in front of them. She then gets enveloped by a puny slime monster that shouldn't have had a run a risk, and Kazuma has to bail her out and restore her conviction.
  • Hime Cut: Signifying her status every bit the successor of the Kannagi family. It's probably why Kazuma calls her 'Princess'.
  • Hold the Line: In the first arc's Big Bad boss fight, she has to keep him back while Kazuma charges up for an attack. He lets her get knocked effectually a lilliputian before releasing it, of course.
  • Hot-Blooded
  • Hot Chick with a Sword: With accent on "hot".
  • Humble Pie: Gets knocked down a couple pegs in the first arc by Kazuma, who she could barely remember as "Guy I easily trounced during the successor ceremony." In fact, it works a little also well (see Inferiority Superiority Complex below).
  • Hypocrite: Ayano frequently calls Kazuma an idiot, but between her frequent poor decisions and i-runway heed and Kazuma'southward very obvious intelligence, it'due south pretty articulate who the real idiot is.
  • Idiot Hair: In at least one scene you lot tin can see Ayano putting a great deal of work into making sure she has an Idiot Pilus, including combing her hair a certain way and liberal amounts of hairspray.
  • Idiot Heroine: Ayano's definitely not the brightest bulb in the box, which both Kirika and Catherine telephone call her out for in episode 22. Constantly jumping to conclusions, refusing to acknowledge when she'south wrong even when all the evidence points against her, charging blindly into fights and not fifty-fifty realising how jealous she acts over Kazuma does not propose a great deal of intelligence.
    • Even Yukari and Nanase annotation she isn't very bright, with the latter saying that being spaced out from reality is normal for her.
  • "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: To Kazuma in the final arc of the anime.
  • Indirect Buss: She drinks Kazuma'south coffee while he's battling a Pandemonium player.
  • Indy Ploy: A huge fan of these.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Every bit big-headed as she may human action on the surface, the bully gap between her power and Kazuma's is a massive accident to her self-esteem, which is especially shown when, afterward Kazuma promises to protect her, she takes it completely the wrong way and asks if he sees her as a helpless footling girl who tin can't take care of herself.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Casually makes fun of how weak Kazuma was when she fought him, which makes Ren cry.
  • Intimate Healing: When Kazuma gives her medicine via a osculation.
  • Kissing Cousins: She and Kazuma are second cousins.
  • Know-Nothing Know-Information technology-All: Kazuma calls her a spoiled brat who can't acknowledge when she'south wrong, and information technology shows.
  • The McCoy: The about impulsive and emotionally-driven of the main trio.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Has tons of Panty Shots, two Furo Scenes and suffers constant Wear Impairment.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Ayano wears her school uniform at all times. Lampshaded when she takes her fourth dimension picking between three identical outfits in the amusement park episode.
  • Love Triangle: Ayano, Kazuma, and Katherine.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: Deconstructed. Ayano is all too aware of this trope applying to her, as Kazuma being far more than powerful than her has made her seriously insecure, causing her to dubiety herself often and worry she'll mess things up.
  • Panty Shot: And lots of them.
  • Playing with Fire: Part and packet of being a member of the Kannagi Family.
  • Blood-red Headed Heroine
  • Cerise Oni, Blueish Oni: Cherry-red Oni to Kazuma'due south Blue Oni.
  • Personality Powers: Her usage of fire magic goes hand-to-hand with her brusque-tempered and impulsive nature.
  • Second Love: For Kazuma.
  • Spoiled Brat: Kazuma calls her this on more than 1 occasion. She really doesn't do much to bear witness him wrong.
  • Sweet Tooth: Her answer to a bad day is to chow down on loads of cakes.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Nanase's Tomboy, and Tomboy to Yukari's Girly Girl.
  • Tomboy with a Girly Streak: Ayano'south advised, rebellious, hot-tempered and unrefined, but she has a serious Sweet Molar and seems to really like the colour pinkish, with it existence the color of her pajamas and a dress she wears in 1 episode.
  • Tsundere: A textbook Type A. She constantly calls Kazuma a jerk despite trying to concur his paw at an entertainment park and blushing all the fourth dimension whenever she's with him. She as well flies into a towering rage if Kazuma makes a move on her and if she sees him with another adult female. And whenever Yukari and Nanase point this out, she vehemently denies it.
  • Tsurime Eyes
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Gives several of these to Kazuma, such as when he sucker punched Genma later offering him his paw.


Ayano: I tin can't believe y'all merely did that! How could you offering him your hand merely then you could sucker punch him? That was actually low, Kazuma, even for you lot.
Kazuma: Yeah, it was a nice trick, wasn't information technology?
Ayano: It was awful! Why do you lot have to act like such a jerk?


  • Woman Child: Kazuma believes she has the emotional maturity of a five-yr-one-time and, considering he said this before long afterwards she cried over a bucket beingness dropped on her caput, you tin inappreciably blame him. It's downplayed, all the same, as these outbursts are quite rare (and played entirely for laughs) and she'south more than than capable of interim her true age when she has to.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Grade C.

Ren Kannagi

Kazuma'southward younger brother. He looks up to Ayano and practically worships Kazuma, stating that one twenty-four hours he hopes to exist as strong as him then he can protect everyone.

Kannagi Family

Genma Kannagi

Ren and Kazuma's strict begetter. Though he is responsible for banishing Kazuma from the Kannagi family, he did this because wanted his son to find his own path in life, though he will probably never acknowledge it.

  • Anti-Hero/Anti-Villain
  • Badass: Though Kazuma defeats him in their offset battle in years, Genma is the strongest En-Jutsushi user of the Kannagis, and wields the blueish Divine Flame, Sōen, which simply 11 others accept wielded since the founding of the association.
  • Brown Eyes
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Seriously, one can only imagine how much drama would be saved if Genma would only tell Kazuma the truth behind his disownment, instead of letting his pride get the ameliorate of him.
  • Foil: To Juugo- while Juugo is a Apprehensive Hero and Reasonable Authority Figure who wants what's best for his daughter, Genma is a controlling Jerkass who disowned his son subsequently he failed him one likewise many times and is just as arrogant every bit a typical Kannagi.
  • I Take Only One Son: Since he has disinherited Kazuma.
  • Jerkass: Allow'due south face it, any his reasons were for disowning Kazuma, he nevertheless made him believe he was abandoning him simply for existence weak. Non to mention before and then, he completely controlled Kazuma'southward entire life, to the indicate that he at present refuses to do the Kannagi family any favours unless he gets something in render. The fact that he constantly puts family traditions over proper human decency doesn't assist either. One Pet the Dog moment does not equal a Subconscious Heart of Gold.
  • Nerves of Steel: Even when hit at total strength with Kazuma'southward wind, he didn't panic.
  • Not And then Different: As much as they refuse to acknowledge information technology, he and Kazuma are undeniably father and son, as noted by Ayano.
  • Only Sane Human: Surprisingly, he shares this function with Juugo in the first arc i.e. they're the only Kannagis who don't think Kazuma is the one backside the recent murders, due to testify to the contrary. No thing what he may say about his son, Genma knows Kazuma isn't stupid enough to carelessly announce that he's a murderer, and doing things like trapping Ayano in a wind bulwark and killing two people in front of her is doing exactly that.
  • Playing with Burn down: Just similar all the Kannagis.
  • The Stoic: Even more than so than Kazuma.

Juugo Kannagi

Ayano's father and Genma's cousin. He is the electric current head of the Kannagi family unit.

  • Cool Old Guy: He's actually very fair with Kazuma.
  • Greenish Eyes
  • Handicapped Badass: His leg was injured in a motorcar accident, which is why he isn't as powerful as Genma despite beingness the caput of the family unit.
  • Humble Hero: Despite being the caput of the family, he is hands one of the least arrogant Kannagis and in fact strongly disapproves of the family'southward tendencies to look down on not-fire magic users.
  • Multicolored Hair: His front hairs are lighter.
  • Reasonable Potency Effigy: Really, considering how arrogant the rest of the family unit sans Ren is, it'southward practically a godsend that he's the ane in charge.
  • Shipper on Deck: He supports Ayano/Kazuma. He even fakes a Youma sighting in an entertainment park to become Kazuma and Ayano on a date.

Supporting Characters

Kirika Tachibana

A detective working for the Tokyo MPD's Special Investigation Unit, in charge of investigating crimes related to jutsu.

Nanase Kudō

One of Ayano's best friends and classmates. She and Yukari know most the existence of jutsushi. She is a very athletic student and is admired past many of the female students.

Yukari Shinomiya

One of Ayano's best friends and classmates. Yukari, along with Nanase, ofttimes teases Ayano virtually her apparent crush on Kazuma. She is well-continued to the data network of the student body and oftentimes knows what is happening around the school.

Tsui Ling

The girl Kazuma could not protect. She was sacrificed by the head member of the Armagest Erwin Leszaar to summon a demon.

Misao Oogami

File:77259 Misao 2574.jpg

Not as gentle as she looks.

A member of the secondary part of the Kannagi family unit. Her brother was the only person kind to her, but was killed by Ryuuya when he, aslope another Kannagi relative, were on a mission for capturing Kazuma. That'southward the reason why she believes Kazuma was the responsible for his death. Later on Ryuuya'due south defeat, she makes killing Kazuma her goal.

  • The Atoner: Afterward Michael Harley is finally destroyed she asks Kazuma to leave her to dice, only Kazuma convinces her to atone for her sins by living on. She´s currently trying to pay her sins as a nun in some abbey nigh by Tokyo.
  • Bob Haircut
  • Cleaved Bird
  • Brown Eyes
  • Dead Older Brother
  • Expiry Equals Redemption : Defied by Kazuma, who claims that dying for her sins is just a style of avoiding facing what she's washed.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
  • Hair Decorations: Sports a headband.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After attempting to impale Kazuma twice, with no success, Michael Harley takes his chance and seduces her with the faux promise of granting her enough power to go her revenge. She gathers inside her body the souls of many innocent victims, and even kills her own family in club to obtain that power. Michael Harley tells that their deaths were non a sin if the goal she was seeking was honorable, but when she finally confronts Kazuma and loses her battle, she realizes that those were nothing but lies and faints in horror.
  • Playing with Burn
  • Revenge Before Reason
  • Stepford Smiler
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Subversion. She looks and acts the function just her train of thoughts and actions are very different, specifically killing her family for ability.

Catherine McDonald

A fellow member of an American family of Enjutsushi, peculiarly skilled in creating and controlling spirit beasts to harness flames.

Tatsuya Serizawa

Ane of Ren'due south best friends. Always butting heads with Kanon Suzuhara, Tatsuya is always trying to go on Ren to himself in order to help him pursue more manly things in life.

Kanon Suzuhara


 Voiced by: Ayumi Tsuji (JP), Jad Saxton (EN)


A classmate of Ren Kannagi and Tatsuya Serizawa. She has a crush on Ren and tries her best to get his attention, though she gets into a fight with Tatsuya over Ren, since he wants to be with Ren.

Tsuwabuki Family unit

Kureha Tsuwabuki


 Voiced by: Mami Kosuge (JP), Lydia Mackay (EN)


Older girl of the Tsuwabuki family, who are skilled "Chijutsushi", however she was born without the ability to command globe magic. During her begetter's absenteeism due to "illness", she becomes the caput of the Tsuwabuki family. Like Kazuma, she was ostracized for her lack of power past her family.

Mayumi Tsuwabuki

Younger daughter of the Tsuwabuki family. She was supposed to be sacrificed in Taisai, the ritual of taming the behemoth within Mt. Fuji every 30 years preventing the volcano from erupting, but decided to make a clone in lodge to replace her.

Ayumi Tsuwabuki

A mysterious girl Ren meets in the park in the middle of the night and he immediately falls for her. Subsequently she is revealed to be the clone of Mayumi Tsuwabuki created in order to replace Mayumi in the sacrifice ritual. According to Mayumi, she had been implanted with random memories from Mayumi and has a lifespan of most ii months. Using the treasure of the Pixies, which is an egg that volition hatch into the tribal leader of the Pixies, Ayumi's growth is accelerated, so that within one month, she grew twelve years.


Ryuuya Kazamaki

Son of Hyoue Kazamaki, leader of the Fūga Clan, which served the Kannagi family for the last 300 years.

Michael Harley

A young boy from the Stars of Sagacity, an organization related to Kazuma's by and Tsui-Ling's expiry. He uses Misao's acrimony at Kazuma and promised to grant her wishes. In truth, he just uses her as a medium, in guild to obtain enough yoki, or life energy, to kill Kazuma.

Bernhardt Rhodes

The chairman of Armagest, a powerful organization of modern magic users. He holds a grudge confronting Kazuma for killing his primary. He is also the man who sacrificed Cui-Ling.


The entity that was made in Cui-Ling's epitome by Wernharde.

Anime Main Character Like Kaze No Stigma



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